stuff happened

Oct 28, 2004 22:35

stuff has happened in the past few days, but i'm going to pull a lenny and not update about it.

here's a survey, cause i'm bored and waiting for beja to call me with plans of the halloween costume.


01) cried for someone? yea

02) had a true kiss? uh huh

03) fallin' in love? nope

04) been heartbroken? nope

05) missed someone? of course

06) been afraid to love? i don't think so..

07) lose someone you care? hmm... not in a relationship manner.

08) broken someone's heart? yeah...

12) picture how it is to love someone? not yet

13) picture how it is to be loved by someone? not really

14) lied? yes


01) longest relationship ? 2 months

02) shortest relationship? 2 months :-p

05) who would you never want to lose? family, good friends

06) who do you regret to lose? no one, relationship wise.


01) IMed? brian or liz

02) talked on the phone with? mark

03) saw? family

04) had a serious talk with? brian

05) made cry? i dunno... one of 2 people.

06) made laugh? who knows

07) yelled at? maybe connor

09) thought of? billions of them.


01) makes you laugh? the most? probably brian.

02) makes you cry? no one in particular

03) is a true friend? as of now i'd say brian and lippy are my best friends.

04) is weird? girls

06) likes you? nobody :(


01) favorite song(s)? at the moment......... rilo kiley - science vs. romance

02) favorite words? igloo, enigma

03) place want to be? taking a pic of beja for tomorrow

04) are you open-minded? some say no, i say yes.

05) rain or sun? RAIN

06) winter or summer? summer, simply for bday

07) love or hate? love

08) one moment you'll never forget? first kiss, unfortunately... :-/

09) future career? some sort of teacher, i think.

11) Cat or dog? dog

13) Mustard or ketchup? ketchup

14) Hard cover books or soft cover books? softcover

15) Newspaper or magazine? magazine

16) Sandals or sneakers? sneaks

17) Wonder or amazement? amazement

18) Red car or white car ? White

19) Happy & poor or sad & rich? Happy and poor

20) Singing or dancing? I love to do both.... but im horrible at both...

22) Corduroy or plain? plain

23) Happy or sad? Happy

24) Blondes, brunettes? brunettes

25) 2 doors or 4 (on a car): 4

26) Coffee or ice cream: Ice cream!

27) Shampoo or conditioner: head and shoulders: refresh

28) Bridges or tunnels: bridges

29) One pillow or two: 9... im so strange.

31) Be serious or be funny? i can do both, but im usually teh funny!

36) Color or black-&-white photos? color

38) Sunrise or sunset? sunset...

39) M&Ms or Skittles? m&ms

40) Rap or rock? Rock

41) Staying up late or waking up early? Staying up late

42) TV or radio? tv

44) Eating apples or oranges? naranjas

45) Being hot or cold? cold

47) Sun or moon? moon

48) Emeralds or rubies? emeralds

49) Left or right? right

50) Having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? One best friend

51) Sun or rain? rain

52) Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? nilla


63) Do you have a crush? of course, im a teenager.

64) Who is it? im not telling you, biotch

65) Are you guys together? nooo

67) What is it that attracts you to him/her? how she smells like rotting flesh and she always has crumbs in her beard.


72) 1 second ago: typing this

73) 1 minute ago: typing this

74) 1 hour ago: calling beja

75) 1 day ago: watching the bosox

76) 1 week ago: probably sitting at my comp

77) 1 month ago: dunno, go read my LJ to find out

78) 1 year ago: see above.

I ;


93)Current Clothes: red/white plaid boxers, green pants.

94)Current Mood: WHERE IS BEJA?!

95)Current Music: rilo kiley - my slumbering heart

96)Current Desktop Picture: lightning striking and a sunrise at once.

97)Current Favorite Show: conan and scrubs

um.... that's all. yeah. happy halloween.
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