right now i am eating bagel chips. i am very happy about eating bagel chips because bagels chips are a luxury in my house. for some reason my dad almost always refuses to buy them but today he found them really chip and bought like 5 different bags. i'm not going to doubt how they make bagel chips so good, i'm just going to eat them happily.
first period was fun today. we got around to critiquing cadalluvia. for the most part all the reviews were positive. it's the kind of ego boost i love. afterwards ms. o played my rilo kiley CD i brought in for the class to listen to. she also read my short story called "three love stories" which she said she really liked. i'll post it here for you guys very shortly.
second period with economics was interesting. i forgot to write this, but on friday kalner through his shoe accross the entire classroom. i don't remember why, but it was funny. third period and fourth period was physics. kirkwood made a comment about how he was jealous that girls had "shelves" to place things on, so i replied that they should be jealous of our "walking sticks"... it was a interesting class.
fifth period was a quick lunch and i then traveled up to the library. i decided to spice things up a bit and instead of being noisy in the quiet study i would be noisy in the cubicles. lenny followed me and we then had a blast. i found a book called "games of the past" or something like that... the pictures in the books detail children from the 1700's playing games... the thing about the pictures is that teach one of them is really funny. we captioned each of them, some of my favorites being "i hope this isn't filled with bees" and "why does mommy force us to eat this way?" i suppose you had to be there. the game followed into sixth period where we found another book, this one with just a listing of games from around the world. did you know that the game "ride your bicycle slowly" was invented in china?! and skipping is a popular sport among men of many south africa tribes?
seventh was skinner. i don't think i've ever laughed so much in my life. mr. roschelle walked in and just started making fun of people left and right. beja recited to roschelle is list of mr. skinner quotes. mr. skinner showed us how cheerleaders dance and are becoming an object of sexual desire rather than good ol' american cheering. the list goes on. i left the class and my chest was hurting from laughing too much.
eighth was padgett. i'm really starting to dislike this class. it's an elective, we shouldn't have essays! geez.
ninth was spanish, which i also dislike... bleh.
after school i was driven to my mom's office by my neighbor. from there i walked nextdoor to the chiropractor to have my back adjusted slightly. aftwards i drove home.... and slept... for awhile. i'm not going to be able to get to bed tonight. it's crazy.
click here to download that short story i mentioned early. if you do read it, please leave your opinion, even if you hated the story. anyway. i'm gonna go start my homework. i hope you peoples have fun doing whatever it is you do.... peace.
- blue j (lenny invented that one....)