Apr 21, 2009 11:08
art's sick so we didn't go to school todaaay =]
makes me happyy cuz i got to get my tan on in the pool!
and with no art around i got to watch what i wanted to on TV, not soccer or hockey =]
i watched the hills and it made me so happy. i need a day off from him every now and then...
biggest buzzkill of the day was work of course. and it sucks that right before i go to sleep i tend to think of things, like just now i remembered i forgot to do my last log readingggg. sucks. it's cool i have 2 days off. postponing the trouble i'll get into haha
yeahh art kept telling me that i didn't love him because i didn't go over there and make him soup,
but he didn't like any of the soups that i had and bitched at me. so i let him suffer =]
all that suffering did him good though cuz he got a jobbbb today at harkins
i filled out his app and gave him a resume and he got the job so i'm super happpppy for him
of course, he gives me absolutly no credit with anybody and he thinks that he got it all on his own.
a litle nerveracking because it's like wtf? you'd still be sitting on your lazy ass thinking about jobs if it wasn't for me.
ohh well i'm over it. i guess i just hope he likes it.
his orentation is monday 6 to 9... and i work 4-8.... new episode of the hills are on at 10 =]
i'm gonna get to watch ittttt yessss..
and i was sooo supposed to go to the beach tomorrow after school on earth daaay, but i guess there's this swarm of african bees on the beach (according to art). doesn't really make sense to me. africa is like waaay the fuck over there, and i don't see how they can survive the trip across the atlantic, the US, and all the way to california without me hearing of this before. (and the asia way is much longer) art tells me that they are like normal bees but are more aggressive and attack in swarms. ar'ts allergic to bees, so i'm not sure if i'm gonna go to the beach tomorrow =[ laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame-o. disneyland mayyybe.