Oct 10, 2005 13:10
Okay, so I'm just gonna admit. It's been a rough quarter so far. The good thing is that it has nothing to do with Santa Clara. I love it here, and I am SO glad that I chose to come here. I love the people, the school, the roomie, even the Dean. But I've been sick since I got here. I guess I could say that I have been since since July, and I've yet to get better. I've had one trip to the ER and a few trips to Cowell (the student health center) and Kaiser. I think the people Cowell can only help you if your pregnant or if you have mono. Anyway, the problem I am having is that missing class in college is really hard. I've missed like four days from going to the ER and from coughing to the point where I can't breath. So I talked to the Dean of Student Life to see how I can get through the quarter, and I'm figuring that I have two choices right now. The first is to go home for the quarter, which would really suck. I would hate that, like hate it more than I hate birds. The second is to be a part time student this quarter and only take 1 or 2 classes. I think that could work, but I have to take to the advisors today and see if we can work something out. So, I love Santa Clara and everyone here is great. I have a lot to be grateful for and I love my floor. We have some really great people here! Dunne 3 is def. the place to be. So I'm just gonna do the best I can to get through the quarter and get better.