(no subject)

Sep 04, 2007 20:55

I'm working now. I'm middle management. Some of what I do is Personal Assistant to upper management. Some of it is marketing work (analyzing client levels, incommings and outgoings, and preparing for/attending conferences). A lot of it is University all over again (writing thesis papers).
I do "tenders" which are basically applications to county councils for more business. They ask us for company info and I dig it out of shared drives and from other staff. Then essay questions basically asking something like "state an example of such and such and how you did it in a deadline and cost effectively in 2 pages." I drag the info out of local managers and put it together in a professionally worded paper. I put everything together and present it formally.
College. Basically.

Today I edited one being worked on since before I arrived (I started yesterday). The wording is so unprofessional from some of the contributers that you can tell very clearly that different people wrote them and not very well. If I had the time I'd have rewritten whole sections. But I didn't and so I stuck to just editing, and changed some of the really horrible wording.

So two days into the job and I know now that I can do it better than anybody else there.

It's a great place to work though. It's very friendly, very chatty (so when I have to sit down to writing I will put it on my laptop and take it somewhere quiet), there's a nice kitchen with drinks, it's very relaxed, and I feel comfortable asking questions of my partner or my receptionist.

And they pay me more than my husband makes. And let's be honest, that's what matters.
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