hot, humid, what did I expect?

Jul 05, 2006 23:26

so, it rained on the fourth of july. actually, it POURED. like lightning. and thunder, that rattled the door. but, you know, we want to see fireworks. so we drive towards downtown. (i was driving in this horrendous weather) there are lakes in the middle of the road. hell, there are lakes all over the road, sidewalks, lawns, etc. and, of course, someone has forgotten to turn off their sprinklers. anyway, we go downtown. well, it's a little too stormy and a little too much lightning, so theyre delaying the fireworks. and, of course, as soon as we get there, everyone decides to leave. great. so, now we've gotten lost, found, lost and found again to get to the right place, and we're smack dab in the middle of just about the worst traffic ever. okay, whatever, no fireworks, but the lightning was cool.

so they decide to shoot the fireworks off today. which is nice, cause instead of mobs of people, there are half-mobs of people (there are a lot less people there, basically). we watch the kids playing in the lit up fountain, and ooh and aahh at the fireworks. you know, the usual. actually, i forgot something. dad is about to run out of fuel as we're driving in, so he lets me and mom off to watch from the park, and goes to find fuel. turns out he had about 0.1 gallons left in his tank when he filled up. yeah, good thing that didn't happen earlier. anyway, mom and I are trying to find him since everyone's leaving and the traffic is bad again, so we're walking to find him. go the wrong way, have to turn around, and finally find him. drive on home smirking at the "70% chance of showers this evening" forecast (it sprinkled at best) and generally trying to keep cool. oh yes, when it rains, it not only pours, but it gets hotter. and more humid. gah! i want my hot dry weather back!

oh yeah, and i can finally FINALLY live in my room!!!! like, its painted, and the funiture is put together and set up in the right place and i have sheets and a fan and a radio! it is fantastiche. okay, that's my 4th of july/5th of july story. hope everyone else had a relaxing holiday!
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