May 07, 2003 10:56
Classes are o-v-e-r! I am excited, somewhat, and yet not really, because it just means that now I will be at work for eight hours a day. I guess eight hours is shorter than the 11 or 12 hours I spent on campus every day during the semester.
Anyway, I have decided that all of my LiveJournal entries are totally boring and ridiculous. I'm not sure that realizing this will change much, but we'll see. I would love to write you all long posts about important issues, but honestly, I don't feel like I have enough knowledge on said issues to say anything meaningful, and I think a lot of times it's a matter of opinion and what I have to say about it shouldn't really matter.
Having said that...yes. My finals look hard. I still have a "brief 15 page paper" to write (if 15 pages is "brief" in grad school, I don't know if I want to go any more). Anyway, this morning I had a little epiphany and just emailed my professor because I want to write about ADD and ADHD and Ritalin. I'm really excited and I think I could write a great paper about it, but I still need the official stamp of approval. I hope he says it's okay! I would actually look forward to researching that (okay, I at least wouldn't hate it). I'm such a dork.
So, I'm stuck at work all day again. Joe is at meetings and study sessions and whatnot. I am supposed to be at a luncheon thing right now with free food, but obviously I'm not. I'm sure it would be really good, too, but I'm lazy and I don't think any of my friends are going and so I think I will be antisocial and stay here. I may or may not regret this later.
Sunday is my brother's birthday - the big 1-8! Uh, I think. My memory is starting to behave like Joe's (selective and unreliable). It's also mother's day. I need to get them both fabulous gifts. Suggestions?
Ok - off to bask in the fluorescent light of the dungeon. I'm going to start studying for my religion class a little because we reviewed in class yesterday and I didn't remember one damn thing from the whole semester. Eek!