Fic meme

Dec 30, 2010 05:28

 Snagged from hils

Warming up for real fics! This is all Supernatural themed. No crossover.
I'm drained. No sleep.

1. Write down the names of 10 characters.
2. Write a fic of fifteen words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.

1. Dean Winchester
2. Sam Winchester
3. Castiel
4. Bobby Singer
5. Crowley
6. John Winchester
7. Ruby
8. Jo Harvelle
9. Ellen Harvelle
10. Meg

First Time, 4 and 6 (Bobby Singer and John Winchester)
Bobby regretted a lot of things. But whiskey with John wasn’t one of them.

Angst, 7 (Ruby)
If she loved him, it only meant it would be harder to kill him.

AU, 1 and 8 (Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle)
She turned towards him. The ring on her finger shone, and Dean was happy.

Threesome, 3, 6, and 9 (Castiel, John Winchester, and Ellen Harvelle)
Castiel hadn’t meant to time-travel to this bedroom. But as long as he was here…

Hurt/Comfort, 5 and 10 (Crowley and Meg)
Crowley can’t help but think Meg’s a traitor. But his arms wrap around her anyway.

Crack, 1 (Dean)
Dean being superbly gay meant one thing: lube bottles with unicorns on them.

Horror, 10 (Meg)
The real Meg Masters cowered inside her own mind, and was silent. The demon grinned.

Baby Fic, 5 and 9 (Crowley and Ellen Harvelle)
“This is ridiculous.”
“I’m King of Hell!”
“You’ll wake him.”
“… He’s a prince.”

Dark, 2 and 8 (Sam Winchester and Jo Harvelle)
“You wanted Dean. But you’ll settle for me.” Jo nods. Sam hesitates, then grins.

Romance, 4 and 7 (Bobby Singer, Ruby)
Ruby’s knife wasn’t think only thing Bobby found fascinating about the demon.

Death Fic, 2 and 3 (Sam Winchester, Castiel)
“Will I go to Heaven?”
“Most likely not.”
“I know. You’re supposed to lie.”

fanfic, supernatural, fic meme

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