Feb 18, 2004 10:15
so today i over slept, which works out fine because i was sort of hopeing to just have sometime to hang out with aleeza, i donno, go downtown or something. it's nice out today. i feel like being outside.
i receive a NOW (national organization for women) newsletter to my inbox. so i was reading the latest one, about the gay marriage situation. first of all, before i rip feminists in america, i would like to say that it is ABOUT GODDAMN TIME that ALL americans are allowed the GOD/UNIVERSAL POWER OF YOUR LIKEING GIVEN RIGHT TO MARRY THEIR BELOVED and lesbian/gay couples would still be sitting here, their union unrecognized, if it weren't for the hard work of individuals and organizations, such as NOW. that said, i have a quelm...
WHAT ABOUT THE WOMEN IN CORNERS OF THIS WORLD THAT ARE ENSLAVED, BEATEN, OPPRESSED, AND SCAPEGOATED IN THEIR SOCIETIES? granted, women in the western world face differing levels of discrimination, yet there are areas much MUCH worse off than our own. which i suppose isn't saying too much, one can always find those less fortunate than oneself. but i'm talking SERIOUS oppression. areas of africa are under control of religious tribunals, condemning women to be stoned to death for supposed "adultry", also known as a man rapeing her and since she has no legal rights to bring charges against him, she becomes impregnated and thus is accussed of consentual sex. and this the the continant with the highest occurance of the deadlist desease in the modern world-AIDS.
i don't know how to fix it. i just know it grates at the walls of skull.
but i want to help fix it.
i read into things too much. must stop. must conserve sanity for important things...which gets me thinking, which is more important, homework or relationships? both? neither? homework? what is my future exactly? my "mentors" in my life (aka people who just tell me what to do without keeping in mind what i actually WANT to do)always talk about my "future" and i just think to myself, "i want to grow up (i feel so little) and get married to the love of my life and have children and grow old and have grandchildren and just live in a little house with a tiny yard and be old with someone." and i think, that's either rediculous or beautiful. i'm haveing a hard time distinguishing between the two lately.
i mean, what is reality, really. is it silly to want to be romantic, in the traditionalist way. just loveing things, persueing dreams and stars...
i donno.
adam! you not talk to me anymore! you suck!