Didn't have to work last nite.
That was sweet.
Took a nap, then went to Liz's.
Me, Liz, and Lauren ate at Avanti's. Mmmm.
Me and Liz got our nails done.
Mine look sweet cuz I got a design on them.
Yes, they are my REAL nails.
Went to Best Buy, then Target.
Got Frostie's at Wendy's.
Went to Walgreens, then the park in G-town.
Went down the slide and swang.
I didn't feel good so I went home.
Have to work today 11 - 5. Then who knows what.
Good news: I got accepted to Purdue and SIU.
Bad news: I miss Bobby.
10 Firsts:
First Best Friend: Maggie Ulrich
First Screen Name: emilysuek
First Kiss: Travis or Brooks
First Piercing: Don't have any
First Crush: Travis
First Music: BSB, Britney, Christina, Spice Girls
First Car: Pontiac Sunfire
First Love: Well.. I've never cared about someone as much as Bobby
First Stuffed Animal: Not sure.. I have a lot and my first was a long time ago
9 Lasts:
Last Cigarette: I quit..
Last Alchoholic Beverage: Last Saturday
Last Car Ride: Coming home last nite
Last Kiss: Bobby
Last Movie Seen: John Q
Last Phone Call: Liz
Last CD Played: Gary Allan - Tough All Over
Last Bubble Bath: It's been awhile..
Last Time You Cried: Last nite
8 Have You Ever:
Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Once in middle school but it was weird
Arrested: Thankfully no
Skinny Dipped: In Liz's hot tub
Kissed Someone And Then Regretted It: No
Had A Sex Dream About Someone You Knew: I don't remember my dreams
Had Sex: Yes
Cheated: Once.. shit, sorry Cody
7 Things You're Wearing:
1. khakis
2. navy Bradley t-shirt
3. red polo
4. socks
5. glasses
6. bra
7. undies
6 Things You've Done Today:
1. took a shower
2. listened to music
3. burned a CD for Jenny
4. slept
5. brushed my teeth
6. updated this
5 Favorite Things In NO Order:
1. food
2. friends
3. my car
4. movies
5. candy
4 People You Can Tell Anything To:
1. Dawnelle
2. Jenny
3. Sam
4. Kimberly
3 Choices:
1. Black Or White: White
2. Hot Or Cold: Cold
3. Chocolate Or Vanilla: Chocolate
2 Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1. Learn to drive a manual transmission (and be decent at it)
2. Build and design my own house on my own land
1 Thing You Regret:
1. Right now.. losing Bobby.. definately. I know I need to get over it, but I think it will take awhile.