psychopathic (don't ask)

Feb 28, 2004 21:11

lemme tell u a little something about my day...

okay i woke up early idk why..i was so tired..but sami called me and i talked to her for a bit..then justin called.. and then i talk with bri on the phone.. i was suppose to fucking hang out with fucking jerrika today..but noo my rents made me go to some family shit...up at some lodge..i guess it wasn't too bad but i really wanted to hang out with jerr..dude i am so sorry i'll call u tomorrow..that's if ur not mad at me! :( but once again.. that's why my family's destroy mylife little by the last minute they tell me everything!!! >:o but we went up to black creeeek..and we saw my uncle john there :) he's awesome..bri u would know :D..(not in a sick way) u r just always hanging out with we all went sledding..and then we went to the cabin thing and just hung out there with my other family from my dads side..and i new..umm..i was about to beat the crap outta my older brother i don't like him at all.........i beat amy and ray up it was so fun!!!!!

i found out some good news and bad news when i was listening to my rents and aunt and uncles my cousin's coming home for two week april break..and i miss him so much..and the bad news i can't say i really can't it hurts way to much to think about it..i just don't wanna lose anything or anyone butttttt...we finally got home..after awhile..and..i felt like everyone was mad at me but it's cool :) and idk i am just in a blah mood...dunno whats wrong with me..and i couldn't really care..i'm and you go! cuz i know something that might be one reason but yeahh..well my mom told me i could get off the bus with justin monday i am so syked (sp?) and Bri most likley is coming too :) well im going..bye
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