Nov 18, 2005 01:24
oh my god. Oh my god oh my god.
Have I ever been to such an amazing concert???!!!?! HELL NO! It tops everything. Take your favorite concert, times it by 10 and you get Nintendo Fusion Tour.
We missed most of panic! and i cried...kinda. (i made up for it on)
Boys NIght Out put on a good show, but i'm not a huge fan and i had 2 people at LEAST 6'2 in front of me soooo it wasn'ta ll that great
MCS...AMAZING. At warped when i saw them, i thought that they were good... but i diodn't know any of their songs... so now that I did.. they were just.. AMAZING.
The Starting Line was freaking sweet... they never fail to let me down.
(by the way, at this point and since MCS, Gaby and I have been seperated due to the rowdyness of the crowd. We literally got pulled apart)
Then Fall Out Boy.
There is not a font big enough to express how truley amazing they are live. Honestly... they are the best band that i have ever seen. They get better and better everytime.. and their stage presences is just awesome. I managed to get about 3rd row for them... a little off to the side, but Pete was right in front of me and that is alllllllllllll that i could ever ask for.
The best part of the night is way too exciting to type and I am still not sure if it actually happened, but it did. Okay, it's not that exciting.. to you.. but for me it was.
Lets just say Keenan got the call of a lifetime? Yeah, and it was all set up by MUAH! Umm I'm cool.
Brendon is cooler.
NFT was amazing. Lets do it again.
Well i am covered in sweat and all I want to do is:
Take a shower
Go to bed
Get a massage (at least 20 people fell on me today, by back is killing me)