Nov 28, 2011 22:04
If I give her any more, she'll BLOW CAP'N! And now I want Captain America getting blown by Tony Stark with that line in there somehwere XD
Anyway. So I did my walking again today. My shins and quads are murdering me XD I did do some calisthenics afterward though, because I miss knowing I had abdominal muscles back during boot camp XD Lemme tell you about the bicycle exercise and flutter kicks. LOL, just thinking about those two particular exercises is almost like a little bit of shellshock, and I can see Drill Sgt. Fuss poking his head into the company room with a manic smile going "SUCKS TO BE YOU, FUCKERRRSSS! BACK!"
On the plus side, because I'm so anal about my weight, I made the mistake of jumping on the scale the day after I started exercising. Awesome because I lost a pound :D But it's only the first day, so I'm getting ahead of myself.
In other news, gonna do a Christmas ficathon :D Planning on doing all of my favorite pairings from my favorite fandoms. Will be taking requests, if anyone's interested. Right now, here's the line-up:
XMFC: Charles/Erik, maybe Charles/Erik/Moira because it's fun
Scrubs: JD/Cox/Jordan fer sho, maybe others
FFXIII: Lightning/Fang
Diablo II: An amazon named Tradin and a sorceress named Areli, with mebbe a paladin named Jaren thrown in for shits and grins
So far, that's it. Other contendors include Bertie/Lionel for King's Speech, though another author sort of threw me off that fandom early on. Another contendor is Booth/Hodgins for Bones and Sheppard/McKay from Stargate Atlantis :D I is kinda excited about this. I already started the Diablo II fic.
On the other hand, I'm trying to wait till finals are over before I really get into this XD Also need to finish up Slashfic 40 for XMFC. Like...mad crazy baaaddd.
So. Finals, exercising, job, writing. Sleep? Sure, when I'm dead, lol.
concept idea,
life stuff,
king's speech,
real life,