Dec 19, 2007 01:55
My phone bill i so high. I'm so dumb. I did not realize I went over that many text messages in one month. I must have been way over by the time I realized it was over. My plan has 1500 messages. I sent 2453 messages. with the plan I have any over the 1500 cost five cents. My usage charges is $45.45!!!!!! Ughhh. And looking at my usage charges now it doesn't really tell me how many I've used. I mean, it tells me how many I have used of what I have, but when I view details they aren't numbered. When I realized I was over last month it just said used 1500/1500. I couldn't see a way to tell how many exactly had been used. I don't even know what I was thinking. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. As if today wasn't even fucking shitty enough.
And I just complained to my cousin about all this & you may read it if you want to hear me go on & on about rate plans. It should really give you a feel for how I talk, because I notice I said "rigged" twice. :)
somuchforemily (1:33:17 AM): at&t's plans are so fucking rigged too
somuchforemily (1:33:19 AM): it's annoying
amber (1:34:53 AM): ew
somuchforemily (1:34:54 AM): they rape witht he message plans. there's one that's 200 messages, five dollars. one that is 200 messages with unlimited mobile to mobile messages for 10 then unlimited for twenty. there are no in fucking betweens.
somuchforemily (1:34:59 AM): you either get 200 or unlimited.
somuchforemily (1:35:02 AM): WHAT THE FUCK
somuchforemily (1:35:04 AM): is up with that
amber (1:35:07 AM): DUMB
amber (1:35:15 AM): as if unlimited and two hundred are balanced
somuchforemily (1:35:22 AM): I KNOW
somuchforemily (1:35:24 AM): ugh
somuchforemily (1:35:35 AM): that's why i rigged mine of haivng the fifteen hundred
somuchforemily (1:35:42 AM): i can't believe they still offer it
somuchforemily (1:36:27 AM): it's a plan that includes IE usage. and of those ones mine is fifteen dollars. there is one that is TWENTY DOLLARS and it consists of: 200 texts, unlimited media (IE) and unlimited cellular video.
somuchforemily (1:36:53 AM): then there's an unlimited one that is unlimited messages, video and media and it's fucking forty dollars.
somuchforemily (1:38:15 AM): omg I'm so annoyed. my plan comes with 5 MB of internet. The only thing they have for JUST internet is 1 MB for 4.99
somuchforemily (1:38:25 AM): i would have to rig that plus twenty for unlimited messaging
amber (1:38:51 AM): damn
somuchforemily (1:38:52 AM): becuase when i first got my phone i went over on internet and was like JESUS CHRIST. plus when i send pictures from my phone to flickr i think it uses the internet somehow
somuchforemily (1:38:55 AM): i'm so disgusted.