WE HAVE SOME WINNERS!!! PEYEIYLJM is getting more successful every year!
First off I would like to give
nilsond the He Did It Again! Award. Because of awesome.
Next is the Fanciest Lady in the West award which of course goes to
Then is
reamer_rick, who gets the Whoa, Some Weird Things Happened to Him the First Few Times He Ate Things This Month Award.
suggestible gets the She Made Lists Award. I did not even know she was doing PEYEIYLJM, but I am glad anyway!
ratherhandysome did not finish but He Tried So Hard so he gets the He Tried So Hard Award.
Is that everyone? Nice work y'all!
Oh man, I almost forgot that other dude, you know, the one who waited until the end and then posted everything?
voltkair is his name I think. What award should he get? Hmm... How about the SURPRISE Award? Yeah.