(no subject)

Jul 24, 2008 07:09

Things have been slightly crazy here the past few weeks.

We think we've found a place to rent nearer to where Michael is going to work. The estate agents love us, but our landlord, who lives in singapore, has been difficult. She's been giving us a hard time about paying rent since Michael hasnt officially started his job... even though we've been waiting for him to start until we find a place to live. But anyways, the landlord is happy now, so we should know everything soon.

Michael's dad had to be put in the hospital last week for chest pains. They first thought it was his heart, then they thought it was his stomach, but then they decided it was his heart. Turns out he has angina. He's gotta be put in the hospital next week for a heart cath, to see whats going on inside. Aparently his cholesterol was twice what it should be! Odd since he seems to be the healthiest person I've ever met.

A lot of drama at work these days. Not about me though, which is good. My new job is going well. Seem to be fitting in quite well. I've made a few mistakes, but well... I'm still very new.

Michael's graduation went well. Until we were evacuated due to a 'gas leak'. Quite scary, sorta. Actually funny. Luckily all the important stuff had already happened.

We had a bbq for him this weekend with his family which was nice. Except for his sister. She came in and started talking about herself loudly while Michael and everyone else where talking. Everyone wanted to see our vacation and graduation pics, so we were showing those. Helen got up and left to sit on the computer. Rude as hell.

Yesterday was Michael's mums birthday. We had a quiet night, but it was nice. Michael's dads birthday is next Wednesday, the day before he has to be put in the hospital. Joy.

Anyways, gotta run, gonna be late for work.
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