Sick again...

Feb 22, 2008 11:12

I've been quite ill since last Saturday. Tummy troubles again. Seems like I've got them constantly lol. Everyone said that I should see the doctor, so I went on Wednesday. Quite funny, well not funny, but Michael came down with tonsilitius again so we both went to the doctor. The doc asked me a bunch of questions and prodded my stomach. Apparently where I feel worse is in my stomach and liver. So she made me pee in a cup and did a bunch of tests there. I'm not diabetic, I'm not pregnant, its not gall stones. My liver seemed ok, but both my stomach and liver had a trace of infection. The doc sent my sample off to be tested so hopefully we'll know more soon. She said it could be a bladder infection, or just a bug.

Sucks though. She said I'm not allowed back to work until Wednesday. I have to see her again on Tuesday, so I could be signed off for longer. Since I'm not able to eat a whole lot, I've lost some more weight. Not exactly a good thing since I'm not eating. How can I eat when I'm constantly feeling like I'm going to throw up? Blah.

Its been a pretty crappy week here. Michael didnt get offered a job with BT. He's really bummed out, cause he really wanted it. Plus he's got his 3rd year project presentation today, so he's been REALLY busy. Poor thing, sick and busy. I'm really worried about him to be honest. There isnt much I can do, I know, but I wish there was. I know he's pretty worried about me, since I'm sick again. I wish I werent sick so he didnt have to worry about me.

I've been so lonely this week. Michael had his interview with BT on Moday night and Tuesday, so I was alone Monday night. Mum's been quite busy cause Nanny isnt feeling the best either. And Dad cant sit still, so he's constantly outside lol. I've been doing puzzles all week to keep me occupied. That and playing Super Paper Mario on the Wii (which I've nearly beaten).

I've gotten a few cards from a lady from the Grotto, which has been nice. I recieved one right after my dad died, and then one after my grandma died. Its quite nice to here from people. I just wish it were under better circumstances.

Things with my side of the family is a bunch of bullshit. My family doesnt really care about me and my sisters, but well they never did. I know we wont see a dime of grandma's money, but I dont really care. They can keep their money and love themselves even more. I couldnt care less any more. Oh and dont even get me started on my Aunt Sue...

I'm quite sad that Lo doesnt get my emails... There are so many times that I want to pick up the phone and call her, but I never know when she works... I wish she believed me that I did email her. I miss her so much.

I didnt admit to Krissie last night that I'm a tad homesick... I think its more that I miss my dad...

Ah well, sitting here isnt helping my tummy. So back to the couch and my puzzle.
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