Dec 28, 2006 13:44
I had a dream last night that was really weird. It wasn't quite first person, and I wasn't me. I was a child, practically a baby, but had full motion skills. I don't know if I really made decisions, but I saw everything the child did and felt emotion from it in my dream. Anyway, the child is in the attic of a house. It's really stuffy and the child (I) am trying to break through the roof. I don't know why, until the child decides to go down to the first level of the house. The tile floor is very hot and I remember (in my dream I remember) that I was in the house because there was a lava flow. Someone saved me by putting me in the house and I got as far away as I could from the windows/direction where the lava was coming from. By now it has cooled off and stopped flowing. I go by the front of the house. There is a little garden and walkway with a picket fence in front and I see dried lava, but it looks more brown than black. There is a person stuck in the lava, kind of how you see the casts of the people they make for Pompeii. Except he moves. He is covered with it but he somehow manages to crawl out of it like a snake shedding its skin. His body is sheared almost symmetrically in half, except for his face, which is complete but contorted into something painful. There is no blood. I peer through the window, thinking he won't notice me, but his eyes swivel around and stop on where I am standing. I suddenly feel a shock of fear, similar to a deer caught in the headlights. I feel like I can't move but I make myself. This is the person that saved me. I don't know why I'm so scared. I crawl back to the kitchen area, where everything is white. The tile on the floor is white, the cabinets are whitewashed wood, the sunlight coming through the window above the sink is white. I always wake up sweaty with my heart pounding from these dreams.