Dec 19, 2005 18:42
Well, lets see-- I'm done with the semester from hell. Not only was the coursework hard as balls and until I don't know, 2 weeks ago I was nervous as hell I wasn't going to pass the semester. Well, at least pharmacology, but I did it, and I am hoping to god that its downhill from here. I guess I should cut myself some slack-- because the coursework was hard but I still pulled through with 2 Cs and a B. On top of moving, my grandfather being sick, and working between 28 and 32 hours every week. I don't want pity, but I'm definitely patting myself on the back for pulling through.
Eric and I are leaving in a week for the big apple. one week. Its 6:45 right now... in one week, we'll be trying to find our way to the port authority I think to get on the bus or maybe its a train, to get to jersey because the monday night football game will be in a few hours. It is so exciting!!
My family is fighting with Medicare to get my grandpa oxygen. He's had some bad nights and hasn't been able to catch his breath, after 4 nebulizer treatments. So my mom has been trying to get him a tank of O2 to keep at home. Well, he doesn't qualify. It kills me. He has COPD and lung cancer and he can't breathe, and doesn't "qualify" to breathe until he goes to the ER, on chemo and has no white blood cells to fight infection, sit with the people who are sick and have an O2 saturation of less than 87 for 3 minutes. Bullshit. The man can't breathe and apparently he doesn't have the right to. Makes me so angry. Thanks for medicare reform, its really done us well.
I didn't win the lotto sat night, but I'll be getting more tickets for wednesday night. If i won, who knows what I'd do with all that money. Have blast though, thats for sure.
Had our christmas party saturday night, fun.
I won my ebay auction for a pink dooney it bag. I'm excited and i hope that it's here by christmas!!
well, I'm going to go work out. I have a lot of extra energy and need to do something. The whole not studying thing is wonderful. I cleaned yesterday and now I really have nothing to do.