(no subject)

Apr 16, 2004 15:50

Today has been good so far. School was okay. English we watched Romeo and Juliet. IPS we did another lab but with boiling points, ahh i HATE it. Lunch, me and MC stuffed our faces with chocolate hehe. Choruss was chorus same old thing nothing new, for the graduation i think we are singing will you remember mee (or whatever) I love that songg. Then algebra, Took a test, did okay, then did a word search that had nothing to do with algebra in anyway haha. Thenn hung out for a little with kate and we got bored so she came to my house and we sat and talked, it was fun though. Then she left and now Kristen is coming overr. yay, i havn't hung out with her in the LONGEST time. niice. And then tonight i think I'm going to alycia's, or at least that was the plan. and i'm dumb and can't go to this party cause well i'm dumb and thought it was nexxt week and i had already planned to go to alycia's. ITS VACATION NIIIICE. i can't wait, this vacation WILL be amazing. :-)
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