Mar 26, 2004 15:31
I reallly did not want to go to school today. but whatever. Went to school, blah boringg as usual. only good thing = MC! woo. hah.
After school, lobby with My kate and My Bible! Oh i love them soo much. i love all of my friends, they are the only reason i'm still here. ♥ ..
It was suchh a beautiful day out. i wish i wore a skirt or something cause it was sooo nicee out. :-). Urgg, all guys piss me off. i hate them all. guys suck.
ITS FRIDAYYY!! this horrible week has come to an e n d. Oh how i hope next week is better. i hate some people. i just don't feel the need to be friends with someone who has went against everything i have told them and joined with everything i hate. theres just no need. ever.
Okay, well i have a feeling this will be a good weekend, even if i don't do anything. i need a break. from all of this. just, forget about it all. it's pointless to me if it brings me down. so fuck all of you that have upset me. just fuck you. plain and simple.
((oh yeah and i changed my journal :-P.. and WHY DOESN'T ANYONE COMMENT. comment damnnit!..))
♥ Emily