I read about discount gift certificates to Nashville-area restaurants going on sale on Wednesday morning. I just didn't know HOW early. I tried right when I woke up at 5, again at 6, and then, randomly looked at 7:20 or so. It must hve been seven. At that time, over half of my options were gone and more by the second.
I acted fast, clicking on a few of the remaining restaurants that were good or I'd like to try.
I ended up with:
$50 to
Mambu $50 to
Flyte (have never been)
$50 to
Midtown Cafe (have never been)
$25 to
PM So, it was stupid. Despite the large discount, it was a huge chunk of my minimally-sized paycheck. I remind myself that I got a gift certificate to a fancy nail salon for my birthday in October that I STILL haven't used, so I hope i won't put off using these for another year. I do thing like this almost never, though, so that's my excuse. And that i rather love good food.