so i just spent about half an hour writing this incredibly meaningful, sad, sweet post about how much i miss eddie and the things that remind me of him. but livejournal decided to ERASE that post, and im too sad to write it all again. maybe i will on his birthday
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"Grow some balls?" You really don't understand how to be nice, do you? I was being totally respectful here, and you go ahead and make a comment like that. Seriously, Emily, grow up. Maybe once you mature a bit I'll let you know who I am.
Until then, grow up and learn to be nice to people.
a RESPECTFUL person would have had the decency to not ask me to elaborate on the gruesome details of my friend's death, a respectful person would be RESPECTING my wish to know who you are! obviously you are afraid of something if you have to hide the way you are
Grow up.
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