(no subject)

Jan 07, 2005 19:20

Ok just a few shoutouts;

YAY! Your not mad! Lyl! <3
even though she's never gonna see this..
Thank youuu for cheering me up yesterday!
My #1 Arvie' buddy! <3
^mk thats all!
tonight is gonna be pimpin!;)
<333 funnnnnn shiiiitttt...i'll update later!

ook..im gonna go! leave me someee!
oh & about my icon on this entry..
i just wanna bOoGiE so i felt like the icon
was perfecto~
for me! :D have a great weekend everyone!


15 ways to get ur parents to think ur an idiot
1. follow them around the house everywhere
2. moo when they say ur name
3. run into walls
4. say wearing clothes is against ur religion
5. stand over them at 5 in the mornin with a big smile on ur face
6. pluck someones hair and scream "DNA"
7. wear a sticker that says "im a retart"
8. have 10 imaginary friends that talk to u all the time
9. in public yell "no mom and dad i will not make out with u"
10. do what they actaully tell u to do
11. jump off the roof trying to fly
12. hold there hand and whisper to them "i see dead people"
13. at everything they say scream "liar"
14. try to swim on the floor
15. tap on there door all nite
^haha anyone wanna do those with me? ;D
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