Ok, I have to do this thing for school, so I'm enlisting the help of all ya'll. And I do expect answers. Well, I'm not going to be a Nazi about it, but if you could help me out, I'd love you forever.
I'm taking a brand management class, and in a prime example of the irritating nature of my professor, I have to do this thing that he calls "I am a brand," wherein I have to treat myself as a brand and do an audit of that brand and then present it to the class. Yay. So, what I need your help with is the brand exploratory part. I need you to tell me what you think of me as a person. I realize most of you don't really know me that well, and that's cool, 'cause then I can get sort of a "first impressions" idea. If you know me a little better, please feel free to elaborate or whatever. I can take it. I feel like I'm pretty comfortable with myself, and I won't get offended by anything you have to say. And feel free to make it short, or just a quick list of adjectives or whatever. I just need something.
And as a form of payment, I will treat you to the following goodies, though I'm fairly certain you'll feel like you got the raw end of the deal:
Rolling Stone intervied Bono. (I know, I need to get a new cultural reference, but I got a free year's subscription to it with my Music Midtown concert ticket, so get used to it.) They have an excerpt of it online
here, but I really suggest that you read the whole thing because it is excellent (and the picture of Bono holding his son Eli at his dad's funeral in 2001 nearly made me cry and is making me teary just thinking about it).
I rediscovered a fun
website about British slang the other day. I'm sure some of you have seen it, but I find it hilarious and I was very glad to have run across it again whilst (not) studying for a final. I was also very intrigued by the actual meaning of berk, 'cause I didn't know that. And the British are way more creative with their slang, yo.
And last, I just wanted to tell you about a little bit of severe fashion faux pas I saw as I sat on my balcony this afternoon. There was a chick--fairly attractive, nice figure, probably wealthy--walking her two dogs (one of them was a tiny Pomeranian, the other bigger) wearing what appeared to be knee length black bike shorts with knee high furry shearling boots. She was also wearing those huge sunglasses that have the effect of making one look like an alien. *sigh*