A Benefit of Being Sick

Mar 09, 2010 12:30


Knowing me, it was bound to happen as soon as the whether got chilly. I'm sick yet again. Stomach caput, tonsillitis, the works. But this time, I have noticed a small heartwarming benefit to me being sick. In the days I've been sick I and been lying around in bed, I have noticed I am no longer the only inhabitant of my room. There is another, an armadillo bug who I have grown quite fond of. I have decided to name him Frank. As you can see by the picture I took above, he's quite the charming chap. And of course, so outrageously outgoing, he's not even afraid of me anymore and doesn't feel he has to crawl under my shoes.
I'm not allowed to have pets in my room such as mice or a fish because of my cat, but I'm figuring this could be the start of something beautiful. I should probably find out what Frank eats though, he's been getting so desperate he appears to be chewing on my carpet. But for now, he appears to be disappearing into the depths of the darkness underneath my bed.
Is it sad I'm so proud of my little bug? Too bad. He's awesome.
- Emily I.

armadillo bug, invertibrate, insect, pet, frank, amusing, sick, benefit

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