Homeless [R/S Bingo, 4/5]

Jan 27, 2010 20:41

Title: Homeless

Rating: PG

Word Count: 200

Pairings: Remus/Sirius.

Warnings: none.

Summary: Remus' life after Sirius.

Disclaimer: The characters and world belong to JK Rowling.

In the physical sense, even in his poorest days, Remus Lupin had never been homeless. When his parents died during the First Wizarding War, they left him their cottage in the country side. His childhood home, approximately the size of James' dining room, he had never been able to bring himself to sell it. Even when he his stomach protested not eating in two days, even when he repaired the same tear in his robes for the fifth time, this was the house his father had built and he had grown up in. He always had a roof over his head.

But when Sirius was taken to Azkaban, the little cottage hadn't been home for three years. Home was the flat they shared, the rooms they had made their own, the bed they had made love in more times than they could count. Home was in Sirius' arms, and with one decision, he had snatched home away from he, James, Lily, Harry and Peter.

By selling out his best friend, he had murdered three people and left two more destitute.

Remus wondered, sometimes, in those dark days, whether being counted among the casualties would have made things better.

pairing: remus/sirius, challenge, fandom: harry potter, rating: pg

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