
Jul 01, 2009 17:47

 I think i may be going the best uni evvverrrr! ......My new dance school starts in september, so yesterday i went to go see my accomodation.... i was really pissed of at the star coz i had to get up at 5.30 am to drive there with my Sarah.....  but when they showed me my dorm room i was like WOOOOOWW! most dorm rooms at most uni's are really just basic but this is seriously like a fucking flat andddd your allowed people over when ever you want coz each person has there own dorm room ... bad points where .. they do a weekly check for fags and drugs in yur room and the only alchol your aloowed is 2 bottles of wine in your room .... im seriously gonna have to  find a hiding place for my spirits and weed ... i dont even smoke weed that much it's just the fact that i would have it and it can calm me down before exams and shit...... i had to stop fucking smoking and i can't coz it will ruin my health for dancing soooo i have no choice really......  but yay my time tables are basically monday to thursday 5 - 6 hours rehersal theory and then all the arts at a  different uni only ten mins away for 4 hours on friday ............ should be very goood !

dance school

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