Feb 14, 2007 21:24
wow, haven't filled out a survey in a really long time. got this from brittany.
1. Hi, my name is: Emily
2. Never in my life have I: done drugs
3. The one person/thing that drives me nuts is: sticky things omg
4. High school was: FUN!
5. When I'm nervous: put hair behind my right ear
6. The last time I cried was: awhile ago
7. If I were to get married right now my ideal wedding would be: happy, fun, lots of food and drinks and people i love
8. My hair is: thinning
9. When I was 5: i thought everything was possible
10. Last Christmas: family oriented
11. I should be: productive
12. When I look down I see: abs?
13. The craziest recent event was: saturday night, i was a drunnnnkiee
14. If I were a character on 'Friends' I'd be: rachel
15. By this time next year: i will know what to do with my life
16. My current worry is: oh god, don't even get me started on this...housing next year, music, boys, summer, grades,...
17. I have a hard time understanding: why i suck at life
18. There's this girl I know who: has everything, or so it seems
19. You know I am mad when: the smile disappears and bad words come out of my mouth
20. If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: jen/mom/dad
21. Take my advice: get off facebook
22. My most wanted item is: a boyfriend that i'm crazy about and loves me
23. If you visited the place I was born: you better know how to use chopsticks
24. I plan to visit: vienna in the fall!
25. If you spend the night at my house while my parents are gone: we'd watch movies and talk all night
26. I'd drop out of school if: family member dies
27. The world could do without: unhealthy, fat, processed food
28. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: eat one
29. Most recent thing I've bought myself: LA Confidential and American Beauty
30. Most recent thing someone else bought me: thongs from christy
31. My favorite blonde is: melanie
32. My favorite brunette is: christy
33. My favorite redhead is: rosi
34. My middle name(s) is: chao-pei
35. This morning I: took my shirt off then went back to bed because it was sooo hot in my room
36. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are: me
37. Once, at a party: i was in a bad mood so i didn't smile for awhile and so many strangers asked me what was wrong
38. Last night I was: so happy jury's over, had a great time rockclimbing and went to bed early
39. There's this guy I know: that i've had a crush on all year
40. I don't know: anything. can i just just go to the gym?