burning eyes.

Apr 14, 2005 02:41

I made a really nice water color last night. I ended up titling it "Crucify the Cosmos". I then wrote a poem about it. I'll add that later.
Today in the cafe, Tony and Chris and I started discussing religion and this guy ended up coming over and we had a 2+ hour conversation with him about Christianity and the like. It was quite nice, really. By far, the best conversation I've ever had at the cafe.
Also, Leo is really gone. I miss him. Boo hoo.
My friend Mary broke up with her boyfriend yesterday because he didn't want to talk to her anymore. So here we are, at our friend TJ's. (close to Leo's house, but that matters not). She's doing great, I met a nice guy named Brad Smith from Germantown, and I get to use TJ's computer. I guess the night didn't turn out all that badly. I am, however, extremely tired and just nodded off for a minute when trying to write the previous line.
I just heard TJ yelling from the bedroom "MAH NAH MAH NAH!" Some random guy walked up to us in the oregon district and just yelled that. Apparently it's from the Muppet Show or something. Regardless, it was hilarous.
I went to the doctor yesterday for my pre-employment physical and I ended up having to get my last hepatitus B vaccine. And a TB test. Ick. I have to go to St. Leonard's today and fill out my payroll crap.
I just nodded off for a bit again.
And again.
I don't know if this makes any sense.
But I need someone to talk to. About boy problems.
I fell asleep yet again. Oh, and I zonked out at school today for 2 straight hours and I didn't even notice.
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