Aug 25, 2007 17:17


So, okay. On Thursday I went down to London with three of my friends to see Manchester Orchestra at The Barfly. On arrival, I saw Robert from MO standing outside the bar talking to two guys and I got butterflies because I could just tell it was going to be one of those good nights.

The Barfly is tiny, and when we went through to watch the bands there was a maximum of twenty people there. The first band on were The Xcerts who are Scottish and the lead singer looked like he had very soft hair and the bassist had thick glasses on and a Brand New t-shirt :) They were quite good really. Half way through their set I realised that Chris from MO was stood behind us!

The second band on was The Hot Melts (I guess the crowd had grown to about thirty now?) and they weren't so good (in my opinion). The lead singer was so skinny, like think a malnourished William Beckett, and he was wearing his own merch and sunglasses. He kept saying things like 'Think about it, no one in the world is doing what we're doing right now' and trying to sound profound or something!

The third band was Zut Alors and they were very good - like Coldplay but actually making good music and not annoying as hell. The lead singer and the drummer were both good looking, but the bass player was incredibly scary looking. He was wearing old man trouser and no shoes and kept licking his lips and staring at the lead singer!

Then finally Manchester Orchestra came on. We were right right right at the front, and the stage only comes up to mid-calf. They were very unassuming and played beautifully. Like, with everything they had inside of them. I was blown away, because I knew that they would be good, but I didn't think they'd be that good! When I looked behind me the room was fuller, but I'd guess only about 80 people were there.

And now here are some pictures

That's Andy. He looks like a big bear.

The one bending over is Robert. The bass player is Jonathon.

That is Chris. The drummer is called Jeramiah, but we have no pictures of him D:

They played 'Where Have You Been?' to finish and then they left the stage. A few people were shouting 'MORE!' and Andy came back out with his guitar and thanked the crowd for allowing him to do their first overseas encore. It was very sweet. He played Sleeper 1972.

That finished and he went through the little door to the right where the rest of the band were cooling off and stuff. Five minutes later Andy and Chris came back out to start clearing their equipment. As Andy came of stage again I finally got the courage up to talk to him. The exchange went something like this:

Me in my politest voice: Excuse me?
Him: Oh, hey. How are you?
Me: I'm great thank you. How are you?
Him: Really good thanks.
Me: Could I please have an autograph? (god, I sounded so stupid)
Him: I'll let you have one if you shake my hand!

My hands were shaking so bad, and I so, so nervous. He signed my journal :D

Him: So did you enjoy the show?
Me: It was brilliant. Oh, good luck for tomorrow by the way. Is it Reading first?
Him: Yeah, we're psyched. Thank you so much for coming tonight.
Me: Thank you for playing, and for the autograph.
Him: Have a great night.

And then we left and my legs were shaking so much that I could barely walk down the stairs. When we arrived at the tube station, this very drunk boy started talking to us and this was the funniest part:

Him: Where are you from?
Me: Somewhere far, far away.
Him: What school do you go to?
Jess whispering to me: Say Hogwarts!
Him: Did you say Malborough?
Me: Yeah, yeah. Malborough.
Him: Who do you know from Malbourough?
Jess: Bob.
Him: I'm not stupid. I've been going out with a public school girl for over a year and I know that Bob isn't a real name.

None of us could stop laughing because he was completely serious, and he had this posh accent and looked like such a fool.

Him: Why do you think I came over to you?
Me: I thought you were going to ask us for money to be honest.
Him: Darling, I could stay in the Ritz if I wanted to but my parents would get very angry.


Anyway, if you got this far through my inane rambling then I thank you and I hope it wasn't too boring.

It was honestly one of the best nights ever and I feel so lucky to have got to see them at such a small place and meet Andy because I have the feeling that they are going to get a lot bigger over here soon.

And now I am going to work for the fifth time this week (and the second time today)!
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