long weekend.

May 23, 2005 01:17

friday: drank
saturday: drank
sunday: drank

'nuff said. lol

no really. k fri was work then pub night. my parents were normal!!! they drove me to the splx and knew i was going to pub night and such... yussss! my dad even drove me & SP home at 3 AM. umm k pub night was right after work so i didn't get a chance to pre-drink. well tommy was nice and gave me some of his watermelon-y stuff. got there, it was a shithole like keith warned me [but hey... it was all MHS kids in there, and we all know it's all about the ppl], had a sex on the beach and did the dance-age and such. never really got drunk but hey... um around 1-ish i got bored though. and i only realized later that it was because i stopped drinkingggggg ugh i'm dumb but anyway someone pointed out the it was "such a grade 8 dance plus booze" and it's true. PL left early and TL got kicked out so i just bummed around for the last hour with like jess and laura. iwas up til like 4 my my

got up round one, started saturday shopping at 3. i went looking for shorts and came back with some khaki AE shorts but I'm not sure about them. oh AE. i'm always afraid to buy stuff there bc i really don't pay attention to who has what and all my friends wear that entire store and ugh. i also got a club monaco skit though! i'm très excited 'bout that one bc i love CM but never buy anything. i don't think i have a top that goes with it though... uh oh... more shopping for emily. nighttime i went to SP's house and she had a few ppl over and we had pizza and baileys. lol and some cheat/suck&blow/home vids plus we kept florida reminiscing...

went to work sunday. GASP. that never happens. everyone who knows me knows that never happens lol. watched some trump documentary, ate dinner... cleaned my room!! ugh it's still soooo messy you don't understand. my life is a messsss. but then again, i have always been a messy kid, as far back as i remember. watched meet the fockers with my parents and my daddy fixed us some stong strawberry daquiris. mmm. and now i'm here. time flies.

i don't understand. k. if i am sitting at home [slash a friend home] and i have like 1 shot of booze, i WILL feel it. like i was really starting to wonder if i had like zero tolerance. but then when i was out for pub night i didn't feel like 3. but then my tummy started to hurt so i stopped [but then i realized it was probably the gum i swallowed by accident... while dancing with tommy hhaha i was like ch.ch.choke].

ever tried reese ice cream? it's good, but not FABULOUS. coming from a girl who loves reese, loves any PB/choco combo including chocolate ice cream with PB on top.

the cute mikey worked his last shift today :( i have no more motivation to go to work. wait... me? motivated? bahaha. the old ladies at work are annoying. i have worked there longer than them. i think to myself, k, maybe they don't realize that bc i work weird/opposite shifts or whatever. they ask, i tell them i've been there since july and they STILL treat me like a newbie. then they fuck up a mchine and who helps them out? ME. haha in your face. oh and one of them was making rude comments so i straightened her out :P

looks like the monday will be spent on chem calc english. joy.

gnight lovelies
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