Feb 26, 2006 11:35
lol. my favorite question.
Well, last tuesday, I started a new job. I left my old one because they refused to give me what I was asking. Their offer was absurd, so I gave my two weeks notice, and left. the day I left, I went out to ohio for a few days to visit the folks (which was awesome.I luff my parents) and I got to see Jenn (my best friend in Ohio) .
So, in any event, the following tuesday, I started my new temp job, and it was weak. I was doing 8 hours of filing on my hands and knees. I couldn't go in the next day because I hurt both of my thigh muscles to the point where I could barely move. I tried to play it off but, I had to stay home. So, I went in on thursday, and they STILL had nothing for me to do. I literally filed and shuffled through papers for 8 hours. THEN, on friday, I found out that I'll be assisting with a HUGE international sales meeting, getting stuff ready for that. SO, I started my job and I got a new desk (which will probably be moved because it's someone elses. stupid company) but the people I was sitting with were awesome. we talked about American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, and just randomly joked around while working. it was cool ^_^ So, I guess they're going to keep me, which is cool because it pays $12 an hour, which is good for a temp. SO...that's where I've been. lol.
I know that probably makes no sense, but it's that jumbled in my head, too. lol.
OH!!! Yesterday, Mig and I went into the city for ny ComiCon! It was SOOOOOOOO big, they actually capped the attendance. ANyone who wasn't pre-reg'ed, or, like us, exhibitors, were turned away. A HUGE portion of the area was wrapped off with the yellow "caution" tape, and if you wanted to get back in the con (and weren't exhibitors ^_-), you had to wait in a line that was half the size of the convention itself. It was ridiculous! But, we saw some cool people and I GOT TO SHAKE HANDS WITH BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS!!!! -squee!- I nearly freaked out on him.-lol- I was like "OMG, ILOVEYOURSPIDERMANDANDYOU'RESOCOOLANDITHINKYOU'REAWESOME!" lol. he was like "well, it's always great to hear that from my fans! thanks so much!" I know he's now in love with me, because I'm so smooth. I'll have to tell him I'm engaged, next time. ^_- (-lololol-) And....Oh! I saw frank miller, which was cool. I hated sin city, but I don't think they'd let me get in line to tell him to stop making movies. ^_-. But, the con was so big, it was almost unenjoyable. Think Otakon, but even more packed. at least, at otakon, there was arm room. not here. But, I think it's because they had more of a turnout than expected.
So, we went to the gaming area and joined the Fullmetal contest. I was so psyched. My Psiren deck was amazing and had beaten anything in its way. I really thought the regionals were mine....until my second round in which the guy I was playing against, very rudely pointed out that I was playing backwards. Evidently, I'd been taught how to play incorrectly, and so, basically, I had a backwards deck. Meaning everyone elseI'd played with, who had been taught by the same person, had backwards decks, also. SO, -insert humiliated Emily here-. But, the guy I played was SO RUDE about it. It wasn't my fault, though! But, with each move I made, he had something negative to say, or he pointed out another mistake, in such a derrogetory way, it just completely ruinedme good mood. I was just completely and utterly embarrassed...but a part of me understands, because I was very pompous about my deck. I needed to be humbled. I guess I didn't realize how vain I was about it and needed to be seriously humbled. lol. Oh well, it happens. I'm trying not to dwell on it, but it just makes me self-conscious now. Weird, huh?
Oh, and btw, never buy confood. I had a diet sprite for $3.25. how crazy is that?!?!? It wasn't that bad at Anime Next OR Otakon, to my recolection. But, still....yeesh!
Dames, Ev, Mig and I watched Napoleon Dynamite last night. lol. It was good. It was a blast from the past, though. Like, seeing all of these things from the late 80's-early 90's was freaking cool. lol. LIke, Deb's hair was CRIMPED! and the phone cord was, like, 80ft long. lol. And Tina the Llama was awesome! Napoleon's fliking food over a barbed-wire fence yelling "Eat your dinner! Eat your food, Tina!" lol. And...um...I don't know, it was just funny ^_^ Anyone who went to any type of school in the late 80's early 90's should see it, just so you can remember how obnoxious we all looked back then. -lol-
I hope you all are well. I've been reading and not commenting, but you guys know I do that, anyways. (I hate leaving generic comments. they feel so insincere,y'know?)
O.k, take care, God bless, Be good, et cetera!