(no subject)

Aug 28, 2009 00:10

I am working my way through an entire "big pack" of Cherry Passion Tic Tacs. At 1.9 calories per mint and approximately 60 servings per package, I am in big trouble! Like everything else, I have to eat it two at a time and only can eat two of the same color whilst doing so. The red is supposed to be cherry and the yellow is supposed to be passion fruit and regardless of any of that, I deeply enjoy that first very chemically tasting outer shell, the one that tastes like the color red, the color yellow. As a child, the only good flavor was Orange, but, like every other product on the shelves, Caramel Fritos, Wasabi Starburst, Meatloaf Yogurt, now there are 46 varieties of Tic Tac flavors. Lord, why can I not summon up the strength to not chew them up?

Today I went to Goodwill and got some stuff and put it in my cart, then went to the checkout and chose a line. I chose my line after rejecting the other line. This was my perogative. The woman standing in the line in front of me turned around to me and said "That line over there looks better than this one", suggesting that I leave the line and go to the other one. "Oh no," I said smiling, "that line is even worse than this one, believe me". "No," she said. "That line right THERE". I looked over and there was only one other line. I just grimaced into space trying to figure out what she was talking about. Then, exasperated, she said to me, "Is there any particular reason you're standing in this line?" Not interested in getting in another altercation in a thrift store, yet out of options, I said "Can I just STAND here????" She said well, if I wasn't going to change lines, she would. I said to go right on ahead and do that. She muttered under her breath at me as she went by, about how she was trying to be helpful. She then went and got in the other line and that line proceeded to suck and I proceeded to check out and leave while she stood there pretending to be interested in something. I had a similar thing happen a few weeks ago, a thing where some complete stranger decided to get very impatient and bossy on my behalf. WHY. Leave me alone. I'm leaving you alone. You try it. We'll play mirror.

Speaking of LINES. Do you know what drives me absolutely crazy? I'm going to tell you. It's when you're standing quietly in a long line in a place like the post office or the DMV or what the hell ever and some guy walks in and goes at the top of his lungs for the benefit of all, "JESUS! WHAT IN THE WORLD? I AM NOT STANDING IN THIS LINE. THIS LINE IS RIDICULOUS. I'LL COME BACK LATER. YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT SEEING ME STANDING IN HERE IN THIS BIG BALONEY LINE BECAUSE I AM OUT THE DOOR I AM. THIS IS RIDICULOUS." It's always "ridiculous" with these people. This person will then storm out like they have won an argument, their manila envelope swinging with their angry stride. It is even worse when it is a lady because she always has a preschooler and a toddler and a newborn with her and she yells this in an angry sing song The Wiggles voice to her children in addition to announcing it to every single person in the building. I go nuts inside my brain when people do this. Like I feel like I'm going to have a stroke when people do this. I want people to stop doing this. This is why sometimes I don't leave the house.

Give me something to write about. I can write about things other than complaining, I swear it.
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