I ought to write something, shouldn't I? My internet connection having well and truly died a few weeks ago now, it looks as though LJ is taking rather a back seat until I can afford a new adaptor for the bane of my life that is wireless. I'm still sort-of keeping up with you lot, at intervals, but all manner of apologies if I've missed anything massively important. This offline nonsense will be over shortly-ish, I'm sure. Ha, the alternative doesn't bear thinking about.
Well then. In breaking news, I am 95% decided on the fact that after this little Easter break, I shan't be returning to uni. I've tried explaining at length as to why this is the best and most rational decision for me and I still don't think I've convinced most people, so I may as well just say that I genuinely don't believe the whole academic process is suited to me. There were large parts of the course that I did enjoy very much, but on the whole it was grinding me down and frankly making me feel like half the person I am. Oh, trite cliche, how I adore thee. I have a quite exciting plan for at least the next couple of years, and then a fallback for should that not work out, so I think I'm fairly sorted on that front. So much so that I can say I actually feel cautiously optimistic, and certainly no less so than if last year had gone to plan and I was now about to graduate, almost-armed with a degree I'd have not the first idea what to do with.
Of course I do feel sad it's all over, even if I haven't so much openly quit as taken an "indefinite hiatus". I haven't ruled out further study in the future, it simply doesn't get on with flighty, rubbish with structure me in the present. I'm sure I've yet to realise how much I'll miss certain aspects of studenthood, but at the same time the prospect of having a little more to work with than nine hours of seminars a week is a massive relief. This year has quite honestly made me feel as though my life is on hold, which never happened last year simple because, er, I focussed less on the no-more-important work part of university. I'm going to have a gander at the youth work shaped path that I've always been wanting to follow in the next week, and not waste time struggling with the path that I supposedly should be taking.
Ooh, I don't believe I've ever written anything so rife with cliche in all my life. Haha, actually I'm vastly flattering myself I believe that. But anyway, you kind-of get the idea, I hope. The last couple of weeks have been decidedly odd, especially as this is almost always my favourite time of year, the period when shiny little adventures always seem to happen. Realising that I'm no longer merely on my Easter holidays is making me feel very strange and wibbly indeed. Not bad, necessarily, just odd.
Other than that, the rest of life continues as it was. I'm still planning a summer of silly random little jaunts before I try my hand at pretending to be a grown up. Who'd have thunk it? I've spent much time in the company of Kenny both here and, briefly, with t'parents in Bristol, which has been 25 varieties of ace. I'm trying to re-kindle old friendships that have shockingly been allowed to get subdued, as I've gradually realised how deeply rubbish I've been with certain people over the past year. I miss my long distance friends but am working on that. And I'm going to see Bearsuit tonight! If any of you 'orrible lot have any sense whatsoever you'll have a little "Squee!" moment on my behalf, I'm sure.
And before I forget for the squillionth time, a big wave to
gingeress, one of the Poland ladies from last year's jaunt, and all round ace person. And an LJ newbie too, bless. I feel terribly rude not giving you a proper welcome earlier, but I hope this slightly belated reception will sort-of do?
Until next time, love to all.