Several things make a post

Feb 17, 2017 18:04

The pound-to-krona exchange rate is absolutely ruinous at the moment. I may have obsessively visited Iceland during the roughly five years when it was actually financially possible for me to do so.

This has not stopped me buying Icelandic books, as I have to read something (logical fallacy ahoy), but I've decided not to go for that Dracula edition for the time being.


My hairstyle choices are disturbingly influenced by fannishness. I cut my hair short for the first time when I was about 12 because of Kira Nerys. Then I grew it out while doing my DPhil in a spate of Victorianism. My current incarnation of very short hair was, I thought, fairly secure. It was only getting shaggy because I've been too fiendishly busy to get to the salon. But... everyone on Yuri!!! on Ice is growing their hair out.

And suddenly having a floppy, eye-length half fringe combined with a weird hairline (widow's peak in my case) seems like Awesome Fashion. (See icon.) Maybe I'll just get a trim after all.

Is it weird to bring a picture of Victor Nikiforov to your hairdresser? ;)


Absolutely loving the Tour of Andalusia. Rather minor race unexpectedly enlivened by epic Contador/Valverde rivalry. And Matt Stephens' commentary on Eurosport is coming into its own. He's a much better foil for Carlton Kirby than Sean Kelly.

(Kirbyism of the race : "Just clearing his nasal passages there. Preparing for battle.")

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