Work is so hectic at the moment that it feels like I haven't got space to think. The only reason I'm poking my head above the parapet now is that I've had a much-needed three day weekend, and achieved a little decompression. Here's a collection of thoughts all bundled into one post.
My Yuletide story is... well, I have most of a first draft. If I have any brainspace left maybe I can finish it next weekend. I'm not terribly excited about it at the moment, but I think it does what it sets out to do and therefore it's probably better than I'm giving it credit for. I would like to have a first draft posted by the time I fly home on the 16th.
Someone I don't know (a sock??) has requested Return to Night for Yuletide. I kinda hope they get some fic and not just for selfish reasons. New or previously disguised Renault fans need to be encouraged.
nineveh_uk has persuaded me to start watching Yuri on Ice!!! and I may be kind of... enjoying it? Definitely it was the right time for me to get hooked by a sports anime, and the romance is rather sweet. (I am perplexed by the apparently large numbers of people who think that it's all going to end in 'no homo.') There are now over 2500 fics on AO3 - WTF, last time I looked it was 1800. Sadly at least 99% of them are utter crap. Maybe the good writers take longer to get going? Or maybe it's just that sort of fandom. I feel that if I actually had the time to write, I could achieve fannish fame and fortune even beyond my previous heights with Welcome to Night Vale. But in all honesty my version would probably have too much sport in it, or maybe too much Moscow scenery, despite the fact that I've only spent three days in Moscow and I can't even do backwards crossovers.
This weekend has allowed me to nearly finish a short fic in another fandom. I'm currently debating whether to post it as soon as it's finished - people will probably want things to read in the run-up to Yuletide - or whether to save it and try to find someone to foist it on for Yuletide. Does anyone want fic foisted on them?
Circumstances have conspired such that the OUSFG library has taken up residence in my front room. Which may not be helping me make time for writing, but has certainly cheered up a chilly December. I read Sheri S. Tepper's The Gate to Women’s Country, which was quite good barring one paragraph of rather stunning homophobia. Then rather than diving into The Martian (I just can't), I've decided to re-read The Dispossessed. I'd forgotten what a good writer Le Guin is. A pleasure.
And, lacking road cycling at this time of year, I've taken up cyclocross instead. It's like cycling's own version of mud wrestling. Certainly there's more incident per minute of TV coverage than road cycling could ever manage (not difficult), but it also seems to have about three people who win all the races - plus one person who used to win all the races. There isn't much suspense. I was however amused when someone called Wout van Aert "the young Sagan" and someone else pointed out that "Sagan is the young Sagan." It will be interesting to see how van Aert does when he transfers across to the road, as he is apparently planning to do.
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