Went this evening to see Hrútar, as recommended by
nineveh_uk. Very good, very Icelandic film with handsome sheep who are credited by name as actors. And an ending that could launch a thousand incestuous slashfics if the actors concerned weren't bearded Icelandic men in their sixties. The conclusion is rather sudden, though. There was a ripple of surprised laughter through the cinema when the credits started to roll. (Again, very Icelandic.)
(Also, how can I have been in Oxford for 16 years and never been to the Ultimate Picture Palace before tonight? It's a great place. And impressively the showing was just about full.)
wool trainers are now a thing. I would love to try a pair on, but I can't help but feel that there's a reason people don't ordinarily wear such things.
Do you ever like something enough that you wish you could buy it more than once? Especially if you find it somewhere on sale? I have one of these scarves and they are absolute weighty marvels of knitwear construction. A steal at the price.
http://www.endclothing.com/gb/brands/sns-herning/s-n-s-herning-stark-double-scarf-678-sc2-b2925.htmlhttp://www.endclothing.com/gb/brands/sns-herning/s-n-s-herning-torso-scarf-323-sc3-u2002.html This entry was originally posted at
http://naraht.dreamwidth.org/617095.html. Please comment there using