1. Your favorite fic you've written: Asking a writer this is like asking a mother to pick her favourite child...
2. Your least favorite fic you've written: There are a few that I've deaccessioned from the collection. In terms of fics that are still up,
The Schizophrenic Critique of Pure Reason in Beckett's Early Novels is something that
didn't quite hit whatever mark I thought it was aiming for. I took it off AO3, but then of course when the old Yuletide collections were imported, it appeared again. Oh well, it was interesting to stir controversy for a change.
3. Your most popular fic: Judging by kudos that would be
I am become death, which of course I wrote in one evening.
No end of adventures got recced quite a bit in Yuletide 2006, though it's hard to compare. And
Those voices that will not be drowned made a decent splash as my first Charioteer fic.
4. The fic you wish more people would read: In terms of recent work,
With Lisa in wartime had very warm comments but a very low hit count (it's femslash, what else can you expect). More historically, I think
The trees they grow so high might appeal to some Renault readers, if they tried it, although possibly it's a tad sentimental for my tastes at the moment.
5. The fic you most enjoyed writing: There are a few that I wrote in one uninterrupted spurt of creativity.
Yet certain am I of the spot in particular emerged from some sort of fugue state.
Each coming night took a lot longer to write - and much longer than it should have, mostly because I kept going back over what I'd just written and re-reading it with indecent relish. That's what happens when you write the first fic in a fandom.
6. Your funniest fic: I personally have an enormous soft spot for
...Must Die. Others would probably vote for
Skinner and Browne Investigate, though the funny stuff only really gets going with the third installment. I really should write more humour.
7. Your hottest fic: Well, I've written
one whole example of actual PWP, though I'm not certain whether hotness was the main goal. There are probably hotter moments in
How pleased along thy willowed edge, though I always feel that I chickened out on the al fresco sex.
8. The fic you'd like to be remembered for:
lilliburlero put their finger on it in saying "I very sincerely hope I haven't yet written the fic I'll be remembered for!" But if I had to pick something,
A brisk young sailor wouldn't be too bad. Or I might just want to be remembered for having turned Return to Night into a proper fandom.
9. The thing(s) your fic contributed to fandom headcanon: Uh, Hilary being an Alpha? I don't know. Help me out here?
10. First fic you wrote/published: I was writing Riker/Troi fic for Star Trek: TNG by the time I was seven or so...
11. Latest fic you wrote/published:
To Hilary, From Prison 12. What are you working on now?: A sequel to
Each coming night, plus something that will probably end up being a Yuletide gift.
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