*settles down with cup of tea to follow the Scottish referendum*
What coverage are you watching? What are you reading? Have you found any good liveblogs and open threads?
Right now I'm fuming that C-SPAN has put its BBC stream on C-SPAN 3, which my cable company doesn't carry. I'm listening to BBC Radio 4 and holding other potential solutions in reserve (although I imagine that iPlayer may be a bit overwhelmed tonight anyway).
What are you up to? Feel free to use this post as an open thread if you feel like chatting. I'll be around.
10:35 BST - You would think it would be possible to just stream C-SPAN 3 from the C-SPAN website, but nooooo, you have to have a password from your cable company. Thankfully I've realised that my father had set this up on *his* laptop. So I now have an extremely high-tech, swoopy two-computer set-up. You would not think it would be necessary to be this cloak-and-dagger...
10:42 BST - CSPAN is having technical difficulties with the livestream. They are back to a discussion of Ebola until they get it sorted out. Bah.
10:49 BST - BBC "Scotland Decides" now successfully streaming on C-SPAN 3! One victory already...
10:55 BST - Andrew Marr at the central count: "All the architectural charm of a cold store in Slough... I don't know why they're wearing the hi-vis vests, it looks like a Police Federation tea dance..."
11:14 BST - I'm getting the sense that people think this YouGov poll is indicative. I was hoping for a bit more suspense! Well, we'll see.
11:33 BST - My cat was woken, horrified, from sleep by the sound of bagpipes on the TV.
12:33 BST - The "no" campaign seem to be sounding decently confident that they're doing well. Again, we'll see.
1:30am BST - First result in Clackmannanshire. Clearly "no." May not actually have to stay up too late for this one!
1:42am BST - Interesting observation just now that the poll on Sunday showing that "Yes" was ahead may have catalysed the high turnout and people coming out to vote "No" who might otherwise have stayed home. Another way of looking at it... will people be saying in the future that it was Gordon Brown who won Scotland for the United Kingdom? Not a bad legacy after an inconclusive time as Prime Minister.
4:31 BST - Some big results here. I'll be off to bed soon, I think.
4:53 BST - No, I'm not asleep! Glasgow, that was a bit of a change.
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