
Jul 13, 2014 16:49

The excellent restaurant at the Settlement Centre in Borgarnes, Iceland has a bilingual menu. With informative details about where they source their food, and explaining the Icelandic specialities. Only the Icelandic -> English translation is... not always exact.

Icelandic: Er gjónagrautur enn á borðum í hádeginu á laugardögum á þínu heimili?

English: In many Icelandic homes rice pudding is still the Saturday lunch.

Actual Icelandic translation: Is rice pudding still eaten at lunch on Saturday in your home?

Icelandic: Við vitum öll hvað skyr er ekki satt?

English: Skyr is an Icelandic cultured dairy product, similar to strained yogurt - a type of low-fat soft.

Actual Icelandic translation: We all know what skyr is, isn't that true?

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