
Jan 07, 2014 21:09

I don't like New Year's resolutions for the simple reason that I don't like setting myself tasks that I can fail at. So I'm thinking of these as hopes rather than dictatorial goals, if you see what I mean.

Work: to have work to do, and to do it. Enough said.

Writing: 2013 was a very productive year (though partly because I had less work in the final quarter than I would have liked). In 2014 I would like to follow up on that writing success. I have this feeling that I'm moving slooowly towards original fiction: this year I wrote two novellas (35k and 40k, respectively) which were definitely more derivative from canon than my usual work. Will this be the year that I write another original-ish novel? Possibly this depends whether I find a concept that will hold my interest for 80k or so, but I do feel as if my ideas are getting bigger in scope and my ability to follow through is increasing as well. In any case I don't think I'll write another 40k fic for Yuletide; though I don't regret doing it in the least, I believe it was just a little too big for the format!

Study: I want to pick up my Icelandic again, and have done so to the extent of reading a few news articles. Seriously considering going on the two-week Advanced Icelandic course this summer, though I tell myself I could go to visit somewhere new (and perhaps cheaper). For the mean time I've decided to anticipate the trip, which doesn't cost anything, and perhaps it will motivate my studying in the mean time.

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að læra íslensku, travel, writing, places:iceland

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