By way of preparation for Yuletide, or possibly for my upcoming opera pilgrimage to Manchester, I have been watching The Innocents. It's yet another adaptation of The Turn of the Screw, this one made in 1961 and starring Deborah Kerr. Aside from the fact that the characters inexplicably fail to burst into operatic arias at moments of high emotion, it really is very good.
(Honestly I was sitting there watching it, drinking my tea and not bothering anyone, when at intervals my internal soundtrack would kick in: "OH MILES, I CANNOT BEAR TO LOSE YOU, ETC ETC." And then I would have to grasp the fact that the non-singing dialogue was proceeding along different lines entirely. This is the sort of thing that happens to me.)
Anyway, the movie came to my attention while I was looking online for pictures of Britten's opera. I found the picture below instead. How striking is this imagery? How great is Miles' quiff? The whole movie is like that.
Now what I want is a fanvid of The Innocents set to Britten's music. I can dream.
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