Really too busy to do much sustained posting (and my Yuletide letter is languishing) but have a couple of thoughts...
* Only in Oxford (and a few major cities, but let me be narrow here) can you go to your Gamelan practice and then discover that, immediately following, there's a performance of vocal music by Xenakis/Hindemith/Ligeti in the cathedral next door. For five pounds. Win.
* On the way from the BBC is an adaptation of Christopher and His Friends, starring Matt Smith as the titular character. This ought to be veeery interesting in fannish terms. Honestly I think that Christopher Isherwood was a bit of an epic jerk. But those of us who are interested in Benjamin and His Friends or Guy and His Friends certainly ought to be tuning in. Not to mention some of the Doctor Who fans.
* In a couple of weeks I'm going to Manchester to see Opera North perform The Turn of the Screw. This may seem like rather great lengths but I've missed two productions already and I really, really love the opera. We'll see if it lives up to my expectations.
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