Having just talked with someone about the wildly inconsistent canon surrounding Fox Mulder's university career, it just occurred to me that it might be fun to have a little "Up at Oxford" fanfic fest. Mulder was at Oxford (although when and for what, who knows). So was Giles from Buffy. So was Lyra at the end of His Dark Materials. So were Harriet Vane and Peter Wimsey. So was Peter Pears, before he failed Mods. And I could go on, naturally. If lacking in canon Oxonians one could always make something up.
Not sure if there would be enough interest or enough background knowledge to make it work (I've only read one Mulder-at-Oxford fic that seemed credible to me), but it's something to ponder. Would anyone be interested in a little collection of Oxford stories? If we wanted to be really nice we could always include Cambridge...
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