Sep 26, 2011 20:35
Next spoiler-free review: Pan Am
First off, I just have to say: pretty much anything is made instantly better by being a period piece.
That said, I had pretty much no idea what to expect from this show save it maybe being "Mad Men with flight attendants."
Now, as it turns out, that's pretty much what it is. I don't know if it's quite as good as Mad Men, since this is just the pilot, but I did like it so far, quite a lot more than I thought I would, actually.
It's definitely a day in the life series, which I was expecting. But it does have a bit of extra, showing us flashbacks of stuff that happened before, and the storylines have more meat than I would have guessed. In some places it felt a bit shallow, but not much.
I like the characters themselves so far too... when the episode first started I was a bit worried they were all going to be cheesy cardboard cutouts of people from the 60's, but it turned out they each had their own story and spunk. Also, most of the main characters are chicks and they're all well-written, which is so rare on television, so definite plus points for that.
My only small complaint, which is more a suggestion of what coulda been improved than anything that was actually bad, was that for most of the ep, it LOOKED like the 60's but there wasn't a lot that made it really FEEL like the 60's... in other words, not a lot that made you really feel the different era or the need for the story to be set in that time period. I say most of the ep, though, because in the last 10 minutes or so it improved on that score too.
If it were set in modern times I'd probably give it an B score, but the charm of a period piece bumps this one up to probably a B+.