May 19, 2011 09:51
Last night was actually lots and lots of fun. Really good food, a couple glasses of wine, better company than I was expecting.
I sometimes have problems with forming words-that tip of the tongue feeling, but I now know why. It's a permanent side effect of a medication I took in high school. Looking at it now, I'm trying to figure out why they ever let me take it: common side effects in adults with a history of stroke (my grandfather had a stroke at 39 before dying of cirrhosis of the liver at 48, my aunt is 55 and has had several strokes, my mom has had multiple mini strokes before the age of 50) are varying levels of memory loss. In patients with a family history of depression, it very much increases instances of anxiety and mood disorders (I shouldn't even start listing the family members with mood disorders, not to mention myself). I did notice that my anxiety levels dropped considerably when I stopped taking it, but the memory loss will last forever.
So, the point. I had a small margarita and a glass and a half of wine last night, and by the time I was halfway through my first glass of wine, I could hardly speak because I couldn't remember words. It scared the shit out of me. I already can't drink red wine because it's a migraine trigger (half a glass, and I had a migraine by the time I got home) I not going to be able to drink anything, ever, because of this? That'll certainly make my birthday lots of fun.
And how am I supposed to ask my mom if she has the same experience with this medication when I'm not supposed to be drinking? Ugh.