I put off watching Community for a long-ass time, on the principle that I hate most of what passes for mainstream comedy. I really should have known better, since
fredericks was fangirling it, and when
fredericks fangirls something it's usually worth your time.
OH MY GOD, you guise, this show was exactly the right remedy for the funk I was in when I finished re-watching Arrested Development. Their styles of humor are very different, but they're similar in the complexity of their humor. Like AD, Community is full of call-backs to previous episodes, foreshadowing you didn't realize was foreshadowing, and jokes so obscure they reward only the most avid and eagle-eyed rewatching of the show. For example:
Click to view
Blink and you'd miss it. Watch it three times and you'd probably miss it. But someone, somewhere, noticed that the third time anyone on the show said "Beetlejuice", Beetlejuice appeared. I'm not really in the fandom, but I bet half the fun is pointing out these easter egg jokes to each other (much like half the fun of AD is reading the "trivia" section on the IMDB page for each episode. It is for me, anyway...)
Of course, if it was all obscure jokes, it wouldn't have any mainstream appeal. The surface layer of jokes is still LOL IRL funny. The
troperrific episodes where they parody other genres are downright brilliant (check out the episodes Modern Warfare and Epidemiology for examples). Seriously, if you're not watching Community already, you should really give it a try.
(Although I should mention that while the writing makes it clear that the characters' various *isms are character flaws that cause tension in the group, those *isms are still there and might be more uncomfortable than funny for some viewers. YMMV)