My feminist MeetUp group scheduled a trip to
The Laramie Project today, but Daniel and I are the only ones who got tickets in time - which is fine, because I've always wanted to see it, anyway. But of course, we managed to pick the day that
Freddie and Co. are gonna be there picketing (link goes to Wikipedia - no hits for that scumbag if I can help it). And in trying to find information about said picketing, I accidentally ended up on Free Republic where they're whining about the Gay Recruitment Play and how "teh gays" already have the same rights to marry as straight people and blah blah spew spew. Now I'm angry and anxious and I almost don't want to go in case I end up punching that hateful shitstain in the fucking face which is EXACTLY what he wants (some of his kids have said the point of these protests is to get someone mad enough to hit him so he can sue). God damn it, people should not have to put up with this shit. Rage. RAAAAAGE!