Ha, my computer's working. WOW. *dances*
Well hmmm, what have I been up to lately. Last friday (I think) i went to dinner with Rupert because i was bored. ;) we went to this "Mystery" dinner thing where it was like Clue and stuff. It was awesome! But I decided i wanted to dress up for it! And Rup said he would too! BUT HE DIDN'T, the stupid git. So i went to dinner in this bright red revealing dress with all this jewlery on (Miss Scarlet, you know) and was the only one. Dagnabit. I now have 2 people i need to plot revenge on. I need my comrades! *secret handshake of DOOM*
Saturday, I went on a movie date with
matthewlewis. It was great. I love hanging around Matt, he's one of those people you can just fool around with and be crazy with and not feel stupid. Anyway, we went to see POA and we made fun of everyone, esp. ourselves, hehe. We were the only one's in the theater except for like these two little girls in their mom, who hated us i'm sure for yelling out stupid stuff at the screen all through the movie. ;) At one point Matt threw popcorn at me (for some reason I can't remember), and I of course had to retaliate so we had this major popcorn war all through the Hogsmead scene. No matter what he says, I WON. :D heh. So yeah, it was great. I feel really comfortable around him. We should go out again sometime. :)
And well hmmm. not doing much except rehearsals right now for the play i'm in. Its crazy how many lines I have to learn, lol. I <3 it though! We open in October, i think, so I don't care how busy you guys are with GoF, you're coming. ;)
Coming to haunt you all tomorrow on set. :-*